Tuesday, December 18, 2018

The Memristor Circuit as the Security Primitive

These security researchers state that the Memristor barrier has a diffusivity of 50 percent and a general uniformity. Its buck bit error rates were also about 1.5 percent.

Additionally, the Memristor's latest circuits were accounted as being tunable because of being analog their conductance might be altered and reset in reply to the altering security requirements. The electrical components may also retain the resistance parameters that permit them even more elasticity in the wall circuits they form.

In totality, Memristors' voltage and current could change randomly and frequently, making the properties extremely tough to predict, that is usually necessary for the hacking purposes.

Nili with his colleagues says that Memristor circuits were power-efficient in most capacity. In most cases, the costs in the area can be worth the cyber security possible they represent. These circuits are likely to be capable of beating the algorithms that goes to ‘learning’ the network just to hack them.

Under average instances, the bad actor might have to possess partial access only to a system, extrapolate the remaining using machine learning, which then, exploit it. Beyond Memristor-enhanced instances, however, the real concrete network would have mutated far sufficiently away from an observed conformation, for every measures to become useless, by a time they may be implemented.

Furthermore, Memristor circuits may be used to produce keys and identifiers which are in any case an individual and has an exclusive fingerprint. They might be applied to authorize and authenticate devices, objects or components. Again, the Memristor-based keys might be extremely hard to forge or to mimic.


Monday, December 10, 2018

How Flatworms Re-Grow Their Own Heads: Scientists Finally Identify The Potential ‘Grail’ Of Regenerative Medicine

The gene of simple animal called as Planaria has taken steps as a model creature in the control of tissue regeneration sciences for a while now. These are due to the planarians, also called as flatworms – had shown an almost mysterious capability to grow back different parts of the body, in reply to irradiation or injury. This phenomenon extended to a flatworm changing its own head, if necessary.

How can Flatworms Regenerate?

The scientists learning these creatures have functioned on its device for decades now. But, they have not able to segregate the property which permits the flatworms to restore in this extraordinary way.

The latest breakthrough in this place of research was an identification of the stem cell marker that is likely connected with the planarian capacities. The discovery has permitted a group to identify the particular cells that allow such impressive and extensive bodily regeneration.

The planarians are fairly simple organisms, specifically in terms of the nervous systems. But, these flatworms have muscle, light-sensitive tissues and skin that acted as their eyes. They may also regenerate each of these tissue types, when needed. The planarians have exposed such ability for a couple of years now, in response to trial irradiation. They perform the acts because of the kind of cell known as a neoblast or adult pluripotent stem cells.


Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The Price Of Carbon Taxation

The price of CO2 and some other kind of greenhouse gas emission had long been the preferred instrument of economists and some other academics from speaking the threat about climate change. The thought is just simple, like putting a charge on carbon will internalize the societal amount caused by the consumption of fossil fuel and some other activities which emit GHGs.

Base on the global energy guidelines center in Columbia, the carbon tax may drive substantial decrease in the US GHG emission in near and also the medium term. The economy-wide carbon taxes sets at $50/ton by 2020 and increasing at a realistic level of 2 percent may achieve an emission decrease of 39 until 47 percent below from 2005 by 2030.

This electric power sector was the most receptive to carbon cost, and this is somewhat most economy-wide emissions reductions will occur.

The existence of readily accessible low carbon substitute drives the emission decrease of 23 up to 67% in a $50/ton setting relative to the emissions under the present policy for 2030. This zero-emitting replenish energy makes until 29-41 percent of the total electric power generated in the US in 2030, relying on the tax rate situations, which will represent a 2-3 fold rise from its 2015 levels. Improved in the energy expenditures in every capita can be seen because of the carbon taxes ranges from 7-27 percent related to the present policy for 2030. The carbon tax revenue would be directed to the diversity of productivity applications, with the deficit reduction, rebates to individuals or the cutting of other taxes.

Einst Urown, The Price Of Carbon Taxation, 2018

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Signs of Aging - Hair Loss and Wrinkles – Reversed

In exploring mtDNA reduction and also aging, these scientists stimulate a mutation in a POLG1 or the polymerase domain of mice, through the form of antibiotics called as doxycycline. This was established to the rodent's water and food. What doxycycline basically does is to deter the enzyme desired for the mitochondria to work; this (DN) dominant-negative mutation is identified to cause the depletion of an mtDNA.

Most of the earliest alterations observed in the mice at four weeks, were visible hair loss, lethargy or slowed movements, graying and reduced hair density. After a month, those wrinkled skin became noticeable, much more with the females than male mice. All of these may be classified as aging signs.
Exclusively, the pathology of a mouse-skin displayed excessive cells, solidifying of epidermis, inflammation and malfunctioning hair follicles, similar in features to the human senescence. Additionally, in this phase, the mice displayed a changed expression in the aging-associated markers of cells while displaying also the disruption between the metalloprotein enzymes with its inhibitor, wherein it is considered important to prevent wrinkling.

But, the examiners demonstrated that the induced phenotypic transformation might be reversed, when these mtDNAs was reloaded in mice.

The healthy mouse can be induced with the mutation that can cause mitochondrial reduction resulting in wrinkles and also hair loss. After some few months, the mtDNA or mitochondrial DNA was then reversed and their aging signs were observed to decrease.

In question, it was also observed that, when a gene was swap off, the mitochondrial role was restored and a smooth skin with the thick fur of a mouse returned. Actually, a mouse was discovered to be no difference from the healthy mouse of similar age.

This suggested that the mitochondria are reversible controllers of extrinsic and intrinsic aging, which Prof. Singh described as really surprising.


Megha Rao, ‘Unprecedented’ Study Shows Signs Of Aging Can Be Reversed In Mice, 2018

Thursday, November 15, 2018

New AI Technique May Improve Imaging In Astronomy & Medicine

Mr. Raphael Sznitman from the ARTORG Center recommended that a random-forest modality in machine learning would be for use in the place of astronomy’s present techniques.

The random forest is the large amount of decision trees that is naturally used to identify characteristic patterns or shapes in a particular like the Face Unlock in numerous modern-days Smartphone.

Thus, the ARTORG/CSH group reasoned that the concept would be personalized to recognize the same patterns in spectral facts, which can correspond to particular molecules or compounds. A Swiss group taught their latest random-forest-based course on the facts from the set of formerly-compiled atmospheric shapes.

The group then established the successful achievement of the model by adjusting on the trouble of WASP-12b, the exoplanet in a form of the gas giant that is somewhat like Jupiter. They situate the model to collect thermal data, in add-ons to the amount of water, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide and how the amount of the following compounds link to the further two from the WASP-12b’s spectrum.

These researchers detailed that this random-forest-based study of this fact and its outcome associated well with those rising from a more standard approach or the nested-sampling retrieval. It has been concluded that the model also created an appreciable quantity of high-quality logical data.

The WASP-12b is noticeably bigger than the Jupiter, base on some models.

Additionally, the examiners claimed that the random-forest model can be applied to a spectral data from some other exoplanets with no alterations.

This method would also integrate more atmospheric models – with those of better complexity when compared to those ones where it had initially trained on just to enhance the learning capabilities.

Moreover, Heng reported that those new model was really good and sometimes better when it comes to nominating the fact points to describe a given parameter.


Deirdre O’Donnell, New AI Technique May Improve Imaging In Astronomy & Medicine, 2018

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

New Breakthrough In Biomaterials May Improve Stroke Treatment

Strokes may cause debility and at times affect the worth of the life of the patients. This state may destroy brain tissues throughout the oxygen deprivation or display to toxic molecules like a ROS or a reactive oxygen species. This may be due to the brain cells concerned, usually failed to restore in stroke-concerned areas.

Not like the other organs like the liver or the skin, a support system of this region failed to re-asserts themselves at the damage site, leaving the purpose they were once connected with, influenced in the long term.

But, the new kind of biomaterial developed in Los Angeles at University of California, had been established to promote the growth of nerve cells and blood vessels when directly applied to the infarct or either to stroke-related lesion.

What Happens During A Stroke?

The patients that have encountered a stroke or the event wherein damage to the vital blood vessels directed to the brain-tissue lesion which leads to cognitive status or impaired functionality can find it extremely hard difficult to recover, then resume the normal daily living. The reason behind this would be because the brain tissue doesn’t repair itself as simple as the other tissues.

There are a variety of reasons at work in connection with this phenomenon. The prominent sample is the deducted ability of tiny but significant blood vessels to increase into the blank infarct-space wherein the nerve cells in the array of underneath cell types has died already.


Monday, October 15, 2018

The Spix’s Macaw and the Red List

With the instances of a Spix’s macaw, this IUCN estimated that the birds’ quantities are failing in our wild because of the destruction of the habitat. This surrounding is called as the gallery woodland which contains the caraiba trees, wherein the macaws preferred to the nest, and a Euphorbiaceae-clan plants which they preferred to feed. Its collapse is connected to the spread out of humans, their infrastructure and dwellings, and in the area of Rio São Francisco that is in question. This contains the latest construction of the hydroelectric dam.

This IUCN also creates a connection in between falling and trapping population of birds, as suggested in the 2011 movie.

The reject of a Spix macaw is partially connected to the access of assertive African bees in the area. They evidently colonize caraiba trees with a possible hazard to our birds, if these two species will cross paths.
An appreciation is given to the major factors, the ICUN or International Union for a Conservation of the Nature asserted that there are lesser 50 adults of Spix macaws now that is left in our wild. The body mentioned that these left birds make unviable eggs with the final few years.

Deirdre O’Donnell, Stars Of The Movie, Rio, Now Listed As Nearly-Extinct In The Wild, 2018

Monday, October 1, 2018

Inexpensive Uranium-Extraction-From-Seawater Method

The Founder of LCW, President Chien Wai, especially highlights the cost-efficiency of these materials and utters that even the “waste yarn” can be used to make the fibers.

Mr. Chien Wai seized up the vial holding the initial gram of the “yellowcake,” the form of the power uranium that has been extracted from the seawater.

In one part of a study, an ordinary yarn was adapted chemically just to convert it to the substance that might adsorb the uranium from a sea and then a fiber was then processed to have that yellowcake. These investigators implicitly declared that a signature of the project was a yarn should be cleaned to have it reused for several times.

This particular method shows to be more efficient and improved compared to getting uranium by some other kind of methods like the polymer mats were being applied to draw out the atoms of the U of a liquid, and the usual land-based techniques.

These researchers emphasize that a PNN laboratory was so important in these procedures, as the group there helped assessed and test the products and the technology properly. The fibers absorbency was judged through these exclusive tests, by using water volumes of water coming from the Sequim Bay, which was pumped to a tank; a yarn that extracted a metal by the chemical bonding of it to the molecule. Finally, post-processing of the yellowcake or the 5 gram of uranium oxide was obtained.

Meghna Rao, Cost-Effective Technique Of Harnessing Uranium From Seawater For Nuclear Power, 2018

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Reinventing the Double Junction

The group of scientists at the Lausanne Federal in Polytechnic School from Institute of Microengineering, in combination with the others at the Neuchatel, Switzerland in Swiss Center for the Electronics and Microtechnology thinks that they can have conquered the above dilemma.

The group has accounted on their novel procedures to create a twofold junction in the present paper of the journal, Nature Materials. The case comprise in the top cell kind deposition procedure that would encourage inorganic nano-compound to create on the exterior of the unpolished silicon.

The process permitted for the flourishing evidence of liquid perovskite, like in the making of the other two fold junctions. Thus, the need to buff up the silicon is eradicated, and the preferred double-junction is created.

The latest technique has so many advantages: First, it permits for the conventional perovskite evidence steps like spin-coating that can keep building costs under organization. Second, the system enables the silicon coat to retain the standard conformation that is an outline of raised and sharp pyramids at a micrometric scale. Thus, the whole surface area accessible to sunlight is improved, and the indication of the cell can be limited.

The researchers certified this inspiring outcome to the preservation of this silicon micro-texture. It is also declared that the further improvement of the tool would direct to the magic 30 percent efficiency figure.

Deirdre O’Donnell, Hybrid Junctions: The Future Of Photovoltaics?, 2018

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Cobalt Could be the Future of Industrial Catalysts

Currently, there is an upcoming alternative that can correspond to a robust option to rare-metal application in synthetic chemistry. Unexpectedly, it rotates around a usual transition metal, cobalt.

Naturally, the cobalt cannot be applied in industrial procedures without very exact situations like the super-dry surroundings. This is for the reason that the investigators think that a metal was a very sensitive and a fragile catalyst that will not be able to function, in solo-electron chemistry, in a more variable instances.

But, the latest studies and adaptations have illustrated that the cobalt is very useful in some kinds of solvents, more so, the ones that really odd earth metals cannot accept.

The prime sample of the solvents is a methanol, which is an abundant industrial goods and, thus, simple and not a costly to resource.

The group from the Princeton University headed by Prof. Paul Chirik have illustrated that it is feasible to create a cobalt act that is like a more costly catalyst under some conditions.

The latest procedures to make this viable involves the decrease of cobalt 2, an atom to cobalt 1 variation, by banding it to a more habitually prepared phosphine of 1,2-bis, 2R, 5R-2,5-of diphenylphospholano ethane in the effect facilitated by the zinc in the methanol. The ensuing catalyst was then able of the accurate asymmetrical hydrogenation needed to convert the basic alkene to an actual drug molecule.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Time Crystals

If the coming scientists were to be questioned regarding the important discoveries of 2010, 'time crystal' term would possibly on top of the list.

The time crystals were solid compounds wherein some atoms were observed to regularly "tick" when bared to the fields of electromagnetic.

The meaning may seem a bit impressive. But, it is the initial sample of atoms that behaves in this way.
To add on, time crystals can have many significant roles in the engineering and electronics of our future.
What are these time Crystals?

Time crystals are described as enclosing atoms where its spin is flick in one way or another, in reply to electromagnetism. These are the caused in doing so by a force which affects atoms in pulses.
Moreover, the pulses always presume similar frequency, even if a real flips were not. The property, therefore, may be applied as an outline of timekeeping.

At present, it is not totally clear, why this kind of atomic ticking occurs. But, these seemed to be a reproducible and a reliable property. Thus, it is in line of industrial and serious academic applications.
On one hand, only the eclectic and tiny number of crystal kind had been noted to have ticking atoms. Diamonds having nitrogen vacancies are just a sample of a crystal.

All such solids like these diamonds were composed of compound lattices of a molecular carbon. These also contain specific, tiny impurities wherein a nitrogen atom is taking the rank of a carbon in the lattice.

Nitrogen vacancies also have important properties which create them to be useful in a particular type of optics, diagnostics and quantum applications. An example of this is emitting light at a diverse wavelength when being compared to purer diamonds.

Now, this may seem that the nitrogen vacancies may result in a time crystal.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

THe Use of Artificial Nose for Detection of Spoilage in Seafood

The GC/MS was capable of detecting the DMS, in a headspace of similar samples, at 4 days of keeping. Alternatively, this electronic nose can able to sense TMA at 2 days.

There is a comparative connection profile illustrating number of days this took the electronic nose to sense respective measurements of food spoilage.

Thus, it can be thought that the latest electronic nose tool out-performed the human testing in determining the quality and spoilage of food.

In the same manner, the system was discovered as superior to GC/MS in sensing odorant height, post-production, thus demonstrating the much lower applications of TMA which may be discovered when compared to DMS detection using a standard method.

The writers of the paper, headed by Shin Sik Choi of the Mongyi University, expanded the development of their device for using in the industry of seafood. The group asserts that the e-device may enhance the finding of hazardous bacteria, like Vibrio and Pseudomonas species. These micro-organisms were among the longest listing micro-organisms that produces TMA.

As the ingesting of raw oysters led to epidemics, like the previous cholera diseases, this invented electronic 'nose' can end up in making the seafood safer for everyone in the near future.

Reference source:

Artificial Nose Created to Detect Freshness in Seafood, 2018, Evolving Science, evolving-science.com/health/artificial-nose-created-detect-freshness-seafood-00673, (accessed 6 June 2018)

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

FDAAA Trials Tracker: New Clinical Trials Reporting Tool

Ben Goldacre is one of the healthcare researchers and he is a writer from the Oxford University that has a long-standing concentration in the adequate clinical test or trial reporting.

Together with his colleagues, Nicholas P. DeVito and Seb Bacon, Goldacre place out to trace the real observance to FDAAA 2007, and then assess the promptness to report to the present and the recent investigators.

The group, thus, built an informatics toolset that will compile the database of every clinical test that is recorded in compliance with an Act, if they are appropriate. The tool identifies as an FDAAA Trials Tracker.
An FDAAA Trials Tracker includes information on the total tests that are appropriate or that are possibly applicable under this Act, together with the completion dates and given sponsors. This data will be sent to the live-tracking site, where it will update alerts when the tests released the final data.

Goldacre together with his colleagues disagrees that such tools like these are important in enforcing the consequences; it is legal or otherwise for a non-recording of clinical information. A latest technique of fines that may be levied for the latest submissions that is under the FDAAA 2007 was integrated.

Clients may download or view the data the site has collected, to date, and that is regularly updated.
The information that creates the Trial Tracker was taken from the XML files from the site of clinical trials where every trial looking for FDA approval are required to register.

Reference source:

New Informatics Tool To Keep Tabs On Reporting Of ClinicalTrial Results, 2018, Evolving Science, evolving-science.com/information-communication/informatics-too-reporting-clinical-trial-results-00671, (accessed 29 May 2018)

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Europa - The Case for Life on Europa

Europa is a still an extraordinary world, from its being disclosed. The moon is still thought to be sheathed in a kind of tough and icy shell that might normally, be profound and uniformly cold.

But, there had been studies about the Jovian moon, performed the assistance of such mechanisms like the Hubble telescope, it has specified that there were zones of such thermal variability of the moon.

Furthermore, Europa has been experimented to display streams of substances from somewhere that is just near the southern pole. The substance might be water vapor, probably because of the distinctive magnetic field anomalies.

This first annotation of the features suggested that these plumes can achieve with a height of until 400km; but, subsequently old school models place this outline at around 25km.

Simulations and also the models constructed applying important information from Europa and the Enceladus, which is one more Jovian moon where it has volatile, gaseous water that may exist, and indicated that the water vapor will be able to reach velocities of around 300 meters per second (at least) to create plumes to the moon.

The phenomenon might need openings that were home to the warmth of about 230 K (Kelvin), that is far above the normal ambient climate of around 100K in Europa. But, these figures are still smaller when compared to the temperatures that are solidly of any high-salt mixtures. The occurrence of the salt mixture in these situations can be able to explain why these vapors in a plume did not simply freeze-up on expulsion.
As a result, there needs to be a substitute source of energy which may sustain a thermal variance on Europa – this one should also support the form of living on the stream or water-rich world.

Reference source:

Europa, Jupiter’s Moon, May Be The Best Candidate To HarborAlien Life, 2018, Evolving Science, evolving-science.com/space-stars/europa-jupiter-moon-candidate-harbor-alien-life-00664, (accessed 29 May 2018)

Friday, June 1, 2018

Magnetic Nanoparticles Can Stop Internal Bleeding

Internal bleeding should be taken seriously, and not just because it could indicate signs of severe trauma. This form of hemorrhage, which occurs in blood vessels far away from the skin (e.g., between internal organs) can deprive tissues affected of nutrients and oxygen, thus, increasing the risk of adverse events such as ischemia or necrosis.


The novel intervention is believed to incorporate the magnetic properties of custom-made iron nanoparticles. The team helped deliver a dose of pro-clotting molecules to an experimental analog of an internal hemorrhage.

The scientists involved in this study argued that this kind of work could increase the efficacy and efficiency with which internal bleeding is stopped. This could also help bring down the mortality rates associated with such events.

The materials were a type of iron oxide (magnetized Fe3O4, which the researchers termed 'Ferria') combined with the enzyme, thrombin. This treatment was also packaged in a hydrosol-gel for delivery into the body. The Ferria compound could also be magnetized for controlled delivery to the desired location once in the body.

Also, this procedure has not yet been tested in humans. It may be some time before we find out if this interesting response to the problems posed by internal bleeding is safe and acceptable for use in human patients.


Deirdre O’Donnell, Magnetic Nanoparticles Can Stop Internal Bleeding, Article from www.evolving-science.com

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Time Crystals Found Not Just In Complex Compounds

If scientists from the future were to be asked about the significant discoveries of the 2010s, the term ‘time crystal’ would probably be at the top of that list.

Time crystals are solid compounds in which some atoms have been observed to “tick” regularly when exposed to electromagnetic fields.

The definition may sound a little underwhelming. However, it is the first example of atoms behaving in this manner.

In addition, time crystals may have many important roles in the electronics and engineering of the future.

Read more on time crystals on this reference,

Time Crystals Found Not Just In Complex Compounds, 2018, Evolving Science, evolving-science.com/matter-energy/time-crystals-found-not-just-complex-compounds-00661, (accessed 24 May 2018)

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Scottish Researchers Develop ‘Laser-Eyes’

A team of Scottish scientists has developed a type of laser that is thin enough to be integrated into contact lenses.

However, those hoping to emulate their favorite Marvel character with super-ocular powers could be disappointed! The type of light the putative 'laser contacts' was designed to emit is more likely to turn someone into an authorized individual with easily-scanned credentials rather than an artificial X-man.

Lasers & How They Work

The focus may be a specially-constructed chamber, shaped in such a way that all the source-light bounces off it and strikes the medium (a crystal like a prism) at right angles, simultaneously. Some laser chambers are very big and composed of materials such as gold.

However, in theory, lasers can also be produced by specific materials in layers as thin as 200 nanometers (nm). Many modern lasers are made out of other materials that are much bulkier and require a greater surface area to function properly.

How Lasers Were Made Flexible

The scientists solved this problem by employing the technique of nano-UV lithography, which uses UV light to 'etch' the materials into the desired conformation.

The laser itself consisted of a UV-curable material, which afforded DFB, and a light-absorbing polymer called F8BT. This polymer, which is also a semiconductor, supplied light to the DFB via the property of photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY). These two layers, with the DFB layer on the bottom, were overlaid onto a final polymer layer that, in turn, sat on a layer of glass. This sandwich was then immersed in water, which caused the bottom-most polymer layer to dissolve and the rest of the 'sandwich' to float upwards away from the glass.


Deirdre O’Donnell, Scottish Researchers Develop ‘Laser-Eyes’, Article from www.evolving-science.com

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

High-Tech Hair Dye: Graphene As A Potential Non-Toxic Hair Colorant

Coloring one's hair is a regular personal care routine for many people. It is often used as an avenue to self-expression or as a way to stand out from the crowd. However, the actual process of coloring is not usually a favorite chore.

Most commercial hair dyes have the disadvantage of being potentially irritating, damaging to property or surfaces and smelling to a horrific degree. Even newer formulations contain chemicals that could be toxic to the environment at their disposal.

Why Graphene as a Hair Dye?

Graphene, which is a two-dimensional arrangement of carbon atoms, is becoming a more popular component in many academic and industrial pursuits. It has many fortuitous properties, most notably high electrical conductivity, which makes it very amenable to areas such as electronics.

However, it now appears that graphene is also potentially useful in other, slightly unexpected, areas such as textile processing. In other words, it can be used as a dye.

Comparing Hair Dyes: Regular vs. Graphene

Graphene oxide, on the other hand, forms a uniform coating around individual hair strands that adhere strongly enough to resist removal through washing. Furthermore, this new form of hair dye can be applied via a spray that is then left to dry on the hair.

Regular hair dye may need to be applied as a solution in a lengthy, and often messy, process. Subjects then have to wait with the wet colorant on their heads, for a pre-defined length of time, while the dye sets. This process is typically inconvenient for the colorist and the individual in need of the color.

Furthermore, they pointed out that graphene dyes also make surfaces treated with them more conductive, hair included. Therefore, the colorant could also find use in the implementation of wearable technology of the future. These devices may be mounted onto or even integrated into the skin or clothing for health-tracking and other functions too.


Deirdre O’Donnell, High-Tech Hair Dye: Graphene As A Potential Non-Toxic Hair Colorant, Article form www.evolving-science.com

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The FDA Has Approved World’s First Contact Lenses That Turn Dark In Bright Light

NIH’s (National Health Institute) National Eye Institute has estimated that 42% of Americans have myopia (nearsightedness, where objects closer to the eye are better visible than those far away), and about 5-10% suffer from hyperopia or farsightedness.

The Acuvue Oasys Contact Lenses with Transitions Light Intelligent Technology has been designed for individuals with myopia or hyperopia, and for some people with astigmatism (eye curvature defect causing distorted vision at all distances) too.

Additionally, no conditions can be detected with the use of this new eyewear nor can a person’s exisiting sight be improved.

The Latest Contact Lens Technology

Photochromic optical lenses are those that darken on exposure to high-intensity radiations, like UV. The contacts return to their original, clear states in the absence of this kind of light. Currently, only photochromic sunglasses are available in the market.

The technology alters according to the nature of the light present. It does this by filtering the amount of UV radiations that reach the eye. This adjustment results in a darkening of the lenses in bright sunlight and a regular tint in normal or dark conditions.

Any Risks Involved?

The American Academy of Ophthalmology’s Ravi Goel referred to the transitioning lenses as “interesting”. But, he commented on the risks they could pose in terms of eye damage due to overexposure to harsh lighting.

The spokesperson, in an interview with CBS News, said, “If your eyes are exposed to strong sunlight for too long without protection, UV rays can damage the cornea and adjacent tissues. Long-term sun exposure has also been linked to an increased risk of cataracts, macular degeneration, and growths on or near the eye.”


Meghna Rao, The FDA Has Approved World’s First Contact Lenses That Turn Dark In Bright Light, Article from www.evolving-science.com

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Dutch Scientists Develop World’s First Platinum Magnet

Platinum is a mid-table, stable, white metal prized for its use in jewelry and electronics. The metal has excellent conductive properties in addition to its good looks.

 A team of scientists from the University of Groningen has reported the successful creation of a two-dimensional magnet made of the precious metal, platinum. The magnet can also be turned 'on' and 'off' using electricity. This switch-ability could be very valuable to manufacturers of the next generation of electronics.

New Developments for New Magnets

The team, led by Justin T. Ye from the University's Device Physics of Complex Materials group, produced magnetism in a thin layer of platinum through its immersion in butylmethylimidazolium tetrachloroferrate (BMIM[FeCl4]).

The paramagnetic ionic fluid completed a transistor by acting as a medium between a gold electrode and the platinum film as a channel. This setup conferred ferromagnetism on the platinum, in the presence of an electric field.

Platinum Ferromagnets and Spintronics

The platinum ferromagnet can also be used to control charge, which makes it even more amenable to spintronic applications. Additionally, the paramagnetic fluid allows greater control over the number of carriers available across the magnet.

However, the Groningen team's uni-layer solution is simpler and can, therefore, be more attractive to those interested in this potential field of electronics.


Deirdre O’Donnell, Dutch Scientists Develop World’s First Platinum Magnet, Article from www.evolving-science.com

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

First Tesla Solar Roof For Private Homes Now Operational

Tesla, the popular electric car manufacturer, has been designing solar roof tiles, and they are now available to consumers in California! These branded panels, when installed, absorb power from the sun and convert it into electricity for homes.

Tesla Powerwall and Panels

These batteries are large devices that can be mounted on the interior or exterior of wall surfaces, and store energy coming in from the solar panels.

The waiting period of the operation may take awhile was probably due to the fact that this solar power can also be hooked up to the main state power grid so that owners can sell the spare energy. This process can be done via the Tesla app, which enables users to set the amount of power (in watts) that their houses require. Also, the amount of wattage that goes into the Powerwall and the grid can be set.

In addition, users may be able to monitor the amount of charge the Powerwall has remaining. If it is fully loaded, owners can direct that extra energy to the grid.


Deirdre O’Donnell, First Tesla Solar Roof For Private Homes Now Operational, Article from https://www.evolving-science.com/

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Icarus: The Farthest Star From Earth

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope uncovers 'Icarus', the farthest star ever seen. A team of astrophysicists have reported the imaging of Icarus, a single star whose properties suggest that it is located approximately 9 billion light years away from Earth.

Discovery of Icarus

Working across a range of institutions in the UK, Spain, Denmark, Japan and the US, scientists used the gravitational-lens technique to image the star, which they initially termed MACS J1149 Lensed Star 1 (LS1). However, it also acquired the name of Icarus.

Gravitational lenses, which are partially conferred by other galactic clusters in the vicinity of the object, can magnify other galaxies. With these devices, the cosmos can be detected by telescopes on Earth despite being billions of light years away.

Imaging of Icarus

The latest images of Icarus were taken nearly two years ago (in late April to May 2016) using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Wide Field Camera 3 infrared (IR) camera.

The imaging session was, in fact, intended to assess the explosion of the Refsdal supernova. However, the team also noticed an anomaly in the red-shift of MACS J1149. It was found to be a single source of blue light coming from an individual super-giant - MACS J1149-LS1.

Icarus: What kind of star?

LS1 was also found to have a temperature of 11,000 to 14,000 kelvin and a characteristic SED profile. These properties were also consistent with MACS J1149’s red-shift (z=1.49). LS1 was also found to be relatively small (0.06 parsecs in width) suggesting that it was most likely a single star or a binary system, at best. The team also detected signs of a second body, which seemed to be extremely close to LS1. The images of this object, termed Lev16B, were found to have nearly identical properties in terms of colour and colour-magnitude.
